Tuesday, June 18, 2013

2013 Eggleston OK5K & 1mile - 6/8/13

The next race Holden did was the Eggleston OK5K and 1mile race. This would be another New Energy event (the 1mile) and then of course, he was running the 5K for the heck of it. We learned the night before the race that it was actually a cross-country run (meaning trails, not road) and it had been raining. So, that means...... MUD! Yuck!

Holden did a great job though no PRs.... it was definitely a different running median than he was used to and the mud didn't make it much easier. Still ran very respectable times... and won 1st place in his age-group for the 1-mile. Woohoo! He had a lot of fun and is lots more comfortable running with this group of kids than he was the first time he ran!
Holden at the start of the 1-mile - look at all that New Energy blue!
Coming towards the finish for the 1-mile
almost there, buddy!
..... and.... DONE!
Winner of the 11-12yo male age group! WTG!
at the start of the 5K .... yes, I get that look A LOT from him! :P
coming into the finish ..... go faster Holden!!!
and he's DONE!! Way to go little man!

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